South West based New Wave Marine – is celebrating in achieving Gold Membership with Constructionline.
The Gold Certificate of accreditation will certainly give our UK custotomers enhanced assurance about the safety, quality of services, and especially our drainage operations, environmental and management standards, says commercial manager Andy Aldred.
Mr Aldred, said: “We are one of Britain’s fastest independent family companies, and our drainage operations is a strategic part of our services across the UK going forward.”
“Securing a Gold Accreditation is a proud moment for our teams at New Wave Marine, and will certainly reflect in our ambition toto be a sectotor leader quality, custotomer service, health and safety, and especially the environment,” he said.
To achieve Gold Membership, New Wave Marine completed an extended verified pre-qualification questionnaire and its health and safety standards must meet the criteria of Constructionline’s Safety Systems in Procurement (SSIP) scheme, said Mr Alred.
“We will be launching our CCTV mobile TV unit soon with a team of specialist operatotors engaging in all aspects of drainage operations, and our services are 24/7, all year round.”
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