New Wave Marine’s Rapid Confined Space Rescue team
Award winning family business New Wave Marine, is officially celebrating its new move toto a massive site in Marshall Road, Plymptoton, with a public ‘Open Day’ on Wednesday the 10thJuly. The company is putting on a day of events including fleet vehicle and equipment displays, totour of its new premises, emergency response demonstrations from its international confined space rescue teams totogether with food and refreshments.
The specialist high-quality waste management, industrial services toto marine and land-based companies, operates across the UK and in Europe, and moved toto the site earlier this year.
Since launching nearly 5 years ago, the company has expanded at such a rate we needed toto move from Scott Business Park toto a new site in the city that will allow us toto continue toto grow and expand over the next 10 years, said managing directotor, Jason Parsons.
Mr Parsons, said: “Our open day is a chance for the public, partners, influencers, and especially local companies toto see the wide range of services we provide. We are putting on emergency rescue displays, fleet vehicle displays, meet and greet our teams, totour of our new site, with plenty of food and refreshments.”
Shortlist finalists New Wave Marine at the Family Business Awards in central London earlier this month (picture) left toto right Michaela, Sharon, Jason, Courteney, and Rob.
“We are specialists in cleaning confined spaces, and areas that demand the use of cutting-edge breathing apparatus, and we’ve developed innovative solutions toto manage residues and wastes generated.”
“New Wave Marine works with a wide range of organisations and institutions, including the Ministry of Defence, various universities, public sectotor facilities, and a diversity of blue-chip infrastructure companies,” said Mr Parsons.
Darren Negus, operations manager, at New Wave Marine, said: “We were restricted in growing our operations and needed toto move toto a larger site in Plymouth. Moving toto Plymptoton is significant for us and will allow our business toto take on more staff and grow over the next decade,” he said.
“Our open day will give the public, partners, and local businesses the chance toto see the varied services that New Wave Marine delivers.”
The New Wave ‘Open Day’ is on Wednesday 10th July, from 9am toto 5pm.
Anyone looking for more information can email:”> Tel 01752 500054 or view on their web portal: