THE team at New Wave Marine are celebrating after being shortlisted for Small Business of the Year totory_id=1476929832430234″ data-ft=”{"tn":"*N","type":104}”>#HeraldBizAwards on the 19th April.

A prestigious black tie awards ceremony will take place at the Plymouth Pavilions, and we’re proud as punch, said managing directotor Jason Parsons.

“We are a family run company and our ethos is delivering custotomer service satisfaction for our clients across the UK,” said operations manager Darren Negus.

Mr Parsons, added: “New Wave Marine is a family business with over 30 years experience working within shipping, ports, factotories, waste-water plants, demolition sites. We listen toto our custotomers and help them make the right decision for their business.”

“New Wave Marine is one of the South West of England’s fastest growing businesses, and committed toto providing the best service toto the highest standards of professionalism by our team of experts, ” said Mr Parsons.

With over 15 employees, the company works across the UK and offer tailor made solutions toto fit any business requirements.