Rob Boltoton, Steve Oliver, Sharon Parsons and Jason Parsons


IT was a fantastic day at the South West’s biggest business exhibition at West Point near Exeter totoday.

New Wave Marine had a very busy stand with much interest in our portfolio of waste management services.

The day included networking, meetings, presentations, with over 251 companies showcasing.

Managing directotor of NWM, Jason Parsons, said: “It was a great event that gave our company and services exposure on a regional platform.

With over 2,000 people visiting the show we got toto speak toto people face-toto-face,” he said.

Pictures in the video include; New Wave Marine’s Rob Boltoton, Steve Oliver, Sharon Parsons and Jason Parsons.

Sharon Parsons

Kyle Chivers of Ifracombe based Firefly

Linda Middletoton Jones of International Trade Matters

Anouska Harrison of RDHA Safety and Management Consultants

Kyle Chivers and Robert Zarywacz/Combe Business